blocking forceの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. :: : : Username blocking forces vandals to take extra effort.
  2. They then ran unexpectedly into the blocking force, and their discipline quickly crumbled.
  3. He left a blocking force behind as he pushed north.
  4. A detached battalion of 7th SS Division would act as a blocking force driving north.
  5. Priefer has helped mold Pro Bowl defensive tackle Shaun Rogers into an impressive kick-blocking force.


  1. "blocking factor"の例文
  2. "blocking fault"の例文
  3. "blocking fiber"の例文
  4. "blocking filter"の例文
  5. "blocking flow"の例文
  6. "blocking form"の例文
  7. "blocking foul"の例文
  8. "blocking group"の例文
  9. "blocking hammer"の例文
  10. "blocking handle"の例文
  11. "blocking filter"の例文
  12. "blocking flow"の例文
  13. "blocking form"の例文
  14. "blocking foul"の例文

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